All 3 & 4 years old’s receive 15 hours of free childcare per week.
If you don’t meet the criteria for extended free childcare, all three and four-year-olds are still entitled to 15 hours of free education for 38 weeks of the year at Little Plums Day Nursery
Our team will support and help answer any questions that you have in relation to applying for free funded hours.
If your current nursery is not able to offer the hours/days you need give us a call on 0115 932 1345
Working Parents Can Claim up to 30 hours of free childcare for three and four year olds.
At Little Plums we want to give you, the parents easy and quick access to all available free funding for children in our nursery. We will offer you support and guidance to claim all available funded hours, so give us a call or pop in to discuss.
All parents and carers who have children aged three and four are currently entitled to 15 hours a week free childcare. For working parents, this is now doubled to 30 hours a week.
To be eligible for the increased free hours, you must:
- earn at least £120 a week
- each parent must not earn £100,000 or more a year
People could still be eligible if they or their partner is on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, are unable to work if they have a disability or caring responsibilities. Single parents can also apply.
Successful applicants will then receive a code which they bring into the office at Little Plums Day Nursery.
Unlike some other nurseries, we are able to offer many more flexible options for our parents. We know how important getting back to work is for some and seeing their child make new friends at Little Plums Ilkeston. Parents really appreciate the truly flexible options we provide. We have lots of availability at present, places are going fast so call us to register and reserve a place for next term.