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5 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child

5 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child PHE_Flu_5_reasons_poster_2018 Protect your child. The vaccine will help protect your child against flu and serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia Protect you, your family and friends. Vaccinating your child will help protect more vulnerable family an

Renew 30 Hour Code

Renew 30 Hours Code
Renew 30 Hour Code By End Of August An important reminder to parents of 3 & 4-year-olds who are currently claiming 30 hours of free funded care that they need to renew their code. You must Renew 30 Hour Code by the end of August. Click Here To Renew Code https://www.gov.uk/sign-in-childcare-acco

School Closed In Ilkeston

Picture of snow covered Mansfield Town Centre
School Closed in Ilkeston Emergency Childcare @ Little Plums Day Nursery Many parents may find their School Closed in Ilkeston, due to snow, bad weather, broken boilder and or simply a school inset day. If your child’s school/nursery is closed and you’re in need of quality last-minute em